Let it Snow and Warm Hugs

Greetings, dear readers!

Channeling my inner Olaf from Disney’s Frozen, I’m here to spread warmth and virtual hugs your way, even in the midst of preparing winter products during what seems to be in Brazil summer heatwave. Crafting these winter-themed delights has been a blast, and it’s as if they’ve lent me a bit of their refreshing coolness—can you feel the BrRrRr vibe too?

Without further ado, I’m thrilled to introduce my latest creation: the “Let it Snow” kit by Sweet Doll Designs.

“Let it Snow” is a personal-use digital scrapbook kit featuring a diverse array of realistic elements, including ribbons, buttons, flowers, and a delightful selection of patterned papers. Each paper boasts a textured touch, adding a layer of realism that ensures your pages look both playful and adorable.

This kit is your perfect companion for fully embracing the inviting warmth of the season. With “Let it Snow,” you can capture and savor the delightful moments that unfold during this time of year.

A big shoutout to my incredible team! They’ve surprised me with numerous beautiful pages, some even embracing the challenge of creating pages with BIG titles—a fantastic example for this month’s challenge. By the way, have you checked out the exciting challenge happening this month? Join us here for a lot of fun.

Stay tuned for more releases this month. I’m eager to see you all here next week. Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend!

Until next time, sending warm vibes and virtual hugs your way!


Gratefall: Cherish the Season’s Farewell

Greetings to all my valued readers!

I’m thrilled to present this week’s newsletter ahead of schedule, moving it up from Thursday to today so you can revel in the latest collection featuring enticing Cyber Monday discounts.

This collection serves as a fond farewell to the current season, adorned with warm and inviting colors, serving as a poignant reminder of the gratitude that binds us to our loved ones.

52 Inspirations 2023
Don’t miss out on our exclusive Addon, a delightful inclusion in the 52 Inspirations series, initially reserved for our esteemed store subscribers but available for individual purchase as well.
November Challenge
Time is ticking, but there’s still an opportunity to partake in our November challenge. By doing so, you not only secure a beautiful freebie but also stand a chance to win a $10 coupon.

Take advantage of the last day with exclusive discounts and download products with up to 70% off.

Wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead!



Finding Herself {Collection}

I’m genuinely thrilled for the chance to dive back into the world of scrapbooking. On this day of reflection and gratitude, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to each of you. Your support, from purchasing my releases to actively engaging in challenges and downloading the freebies I create as tokens of appreciation, is the driving force behind my continuous inspiration. It’s your enthusiasm and encouragement that fuel my creativity, motivating me to consistently deliver fresh and innovative content. Thank you for being an integral part of this creative journey, and I’m excited to keep bringing you new and exciting creations.

Are you ready for the delightful surprises I’ve crafted for you?

Introducing the latest addition to our lineup: “Finding Herself {Collection}” by Sweet Doll, now available at a spectacular 60% discount! Additionally, enjoy a generous 40% off on individual packages. 

Time is of the essence! Seize the moment and secure the digital elements you’ve been dreaming of before these fantastic deals vanish.

Thank you for being a cherished part of the Sweet Doll Designs community. We can’t wait to see the magic you create with our Black Friday treasures!



Embrace Happiness with Our “Happy Thoughts” 

Greetings, dear weekly readers,
We hope this email finds you well and ready to embark on a journey of positivity and gratitude. As for me, I’m doing splendidly and brimming with excitement as I share the launch for this week with you. I’ve been delving deep to incorporate diverse elements, ensuring that your projects are not just beautiful but uniquely so.

Introducing our latest digital kit: “Happy Thoughts.” This delightful kit is carefully curated to assist you in creating pages that serve as a gentle reminder of the significance of gratitude for life’s smallest moments. We believe in the power of positivity, and “Happy Thoughts” is designed to empower you to maintain a positive mindset, ensuring that happiness accompanies you on every journey and radiates joy to those you encounter along the way.has arrived, and it feels like the year has swiftly slipped away. 

What’s Inside “Happy Thoughts”:

🌟 Inspiring templates to capture your gratitude moments

🌟 Creative elements to add a touch of joy to your pages

🌟 Thoughtful prompts to guide your reflections

🌟 Exclusive content to uplift your spirits

Life is filled with precious moments that deserve to be celebrated. This kit is not just about scrapbooking; it’s a tool to cultivate gratitude and happiness in your daily life. Whether you’re a seasoned scrapbooker or just starting out, “Happy Thoughts” is here to make the process enjoyable and meaningful.

Our talented team has thoughtfully crafted a collection of examples to spark your creativity and illustrate the diverse ways you can bring joy and gratitude into your pages.

P.S. Share your “Happy Thoughts” creations with us using #sweetdolldesigns. We can’t wait to see the positivity you bring to the world! 

This month holds a trove of surprises, and I’m eager to unveil them all to you at the earliest opportunity. Stay tuned for the upcoming reveals! For now, I’ll bid you farewell and look forward to reconnecting with you next week.

Wishing you a week filled with gratitude and joy!



Color Play Chronicles: Unveiling Resilience and Creativity

Greetings to all,

I trust everyone is well and thriving. It’s astounding to think that we’ve already reached the tail end of October, with just two months left in the year. Time seems to be sprinting ahead, leaving us bewildered. This month was supposed to be jam-packed with a thousand projects, but a recent change in my medication regimen, coupled with my ongoing battle with anxiety and my relatively new diagnosis of ADHD, has slowed me down considerably.

For those new to this community, let me share that my struggles with anxiety and ADHD have kept my mind racing non-stop, robbing me of the joy I once found in my favorite activities. It was this very struggle that led me to prioritize balance and savoring the journey, particularly through my passion for scrapbooking. I’m still on the quest for equilibrium, and being here with all of you serves as a constant source of motivation on this path.

Life, as we all know, is an intricate mix of highs and lows, demanding us to summon courage, resilience, and patience at various junctures. It’s with this ethos in mind that I proudly present this exquisite collection for Color Play, a collection that reminds us that we possess the strength to conquer any adversity.

As a part of Color Play, individual packs are available at a generous 50% discount, and for those who wish to embrace the entire collection, there’s a spectacular 60% discount to be had.

Our talented team has crafted some stunning example pages that radiate beauty and inspiration.

Scrapbooking, in its essence, serves as a sanctuary for many, a beloved hobby for some, and a form of therapy for countless personas. Regardless of your reasons for being a part of this community of scrapbook enthusiasts, I can confidently assure you that acquiring this collection will be a decision you won’t regret.

As a token of my appreciation, I have a small gift from this delightful collection to share with you.

That’s all for today! Wishing you all an outstanding weekend filled with creativity and joy as you work on your projects. Don’t forget to tag me @sweetdoll.designs on social media; I’d be thrilled to witness your creations.



Embrace Life’s Journey: A Kit for Creating a Joyous Adventure

When we talk about life’s journey, it’s remarkable how it constantly evolves. Along the way, we meet new people, and the familiar cycles of our existence make room for exciting new beginnings. These transformations are what infuse our days with a sense of joy and wonder.

Life may not always be a perfect, smooth path, but it’s crucial to remind ourselves that even the smallest of things have the power to transform our journey into a magnificent adventure filled with happiness. This week, we’ve curated a special kit to help you infuse this spirit of positivity and inspiration into your projects.

Our aim is to encourage you to embark on a journey overflowing with blessings, both big and small.

Take a closer look at what my fantastic team, along with Cherry’O, has prepared for you to explore the elements and papers of this kit.

Happy creating, and may your path be filled with endless inspiration and fulfillment!

Embrace the Essence of Autumn with Our Exclusive {Bundle}

Autumn is a season of transformation, as nature paints the world with its warm and vibrant colors, marking the transition from the heat of summer to the crispness of fall. To celebrate this beautiful season, we’ve curated a special bundle designed especially for newcomers to our creative community.

Inside this {Bundle}, you’ll discover four distinct autumn kits, each showcasing a unique style and perspective. These kits are carefully crafted to help you bring the mesmerizing autumn palette into your projects. With them, you can effortlessly capture the essence of this season’s beauty in your creative endeavors.

But autumn isn’t just about colors and aesthetics; it’s also a time for reflection and embracing new cycles in our lives. As we watch the leaves fall, we’re reminded of the importance of letting go of what no longer serves us and making room for new blessings on our journey.

This {Bundle} isn’t just about art; it’s about embracing the spirit of autumn in all its facets. It’s an invitation to immerse yourself in the rich, contemplative atmosphere of the season and infuse it into your creative works.

Discover the Enchanting Creations Crafted by Our Doll Team with These Kits

So, whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting on your creative journey, our {Bundle} is here to inspire and guide you as you explore the wonders of autumn. It’s a chance to create, reflect, and welcome the transformations that this beautiful season brings.

Embrace the essence of autumn with us and let your creativity flourish amidst the changing leaves and new beginnings.

Color Play and a Sweet Surprise!

It’s that time of the week again, where I drop you a casual email to catch up and share the latest updates.

I’m well aware that life can throw us some curveballs, and I’ve had my fair share of battles with depression and anxiety recently. But, on the bright side, I’ve been getting through it. I’ve got a great support system, including my doctor, and I’m getting used to a new routine with my medication. Plus, diving back into scrapbooking has been a breath of fresh air. Connecting with so many of you who share the same passion has added vibrant hues to my life.

Speaking of colors and blessings, let’s talk about this week’s kit. It’s all about embracing the little things that make us grateful. Just like the changing seasons, each phase of life gives us the opportunity to count our blessings.

Now, here’s the exciting part: this kit is part of our Color Play series and is up for grabs at a whopping 50% discount for the next three days. Don’t miss your chance to snag one for yourself. If you’re curious about my other creations in the Color Play palette since my return to Oscraps, check them out here.

Take a peek at what my incredibly talented team has created to give you a better idea of the endless possibilities this kit offers.

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend ahead!

Embracing the Seasons: A Journey of Simple Moments and Cozy Reflections

I trust you all had a splendid week. As we stand on the cusp of spring, many of you are preparing to embrace the enchanting embrace of autumn—a season that holds a special place in my heart. Perhaps that’s why, this month, I’ve embarked on a creative journey, exploring various styles to craft products adorned with the exquisite color palette that autumn so generously bestows upon us. (Do note that I’ve infused a touch of spring into all our kits, evident in the abundance of floral motifs throughout.)

In my perspective, the most precious treasures in life are “free.” You might be curious about what I mean by this. To me, these treasures are the simple moments, those instances that become truly extraordinary when shared with our loved ones. Whether it’s a spontaneous getaway or a laid-back afternoon filled with movies and popcorn, the essence lies in being with those who hold a special place in our hearts and who make us feel truly cherished.

I extend a warm invitation to explore our latest release this week. It’s designed to infuse your pages with the delightful ambiance of relishing simple, heartwarming moments with family and friends—an experience we should always strive to preserve.

Don’t forget, this kit will be available at a 30% discount until Monday

I must commend my incredible team, who, in collaboration with CherryO, has delivered outstanding work this week. We even have a hybrid page example to showcase.

Looking ahead, next week brings Color Play, where autumnal hues will take center stage once more. This time, we’ll delve into the beauty of gratitude for the gifts each season bestows upon us.

Until next week, my dear readers! Wishing you a splendid weekend ahead.



A World of Creativity Awaits: Discover Our Latest Boho Chic Collection!

I trust you had a fantastic week.

For those of you who are new here, fret not! You’ve likely already enjoyed some of my products, whether they were acquired for free or purchased from the store. You’ve now joined this splendid community that delivers fresh updates and exclusive gifts every Thursday. And, of course, if you wish to discontinue receiving my emails, you can effortlessly unsubscribe using the link at the email’s conclusion (fingers crossed you’ll stay, though).

These past months have been an exhilarating journey alongside you. I cherish the sense of connection we’ve forged with people hailing from various corners of the globe. It demonstrates how the art of scrapbooking unites us through a shared passion that transcends borders.

As promised last week, I’m back this week to unveil our latest launch, brimming with boho chic inspiration. I was genuinely eager to delve into this style, introducing fresh elements to break away from the conventional autumn kits. I’m confident you’ll be able to craft remarkable projects, given that the kit boasts versatile components suited to various aesthetics.

Discover what my exceptionally talented team has prepared to offer a sneak peek into this extraordinary kit.

Make the most of our exclusive 30% discount on this week’s release, and stay tuned for more exciting updates. I have a host of new surprises in store for you all very soon.

Looking forward to our reunion next week!

